Book a Workshop
MANifest Change offers the five conversations as a workshop series to high schools, universities and community agencies.
Contact the MANifest Change coordinator to discuss hosting a workshop series.Whenever possible, please book at least two weeks in advance. However, we are sometimes able to accommodate last minute requests, so do get in touch!
“I learned to speak out, stand up and don’t be afraid to engage in a situation that has violence against women, and stop it.”
See what a conversation about consent looks like with students in AY Jackson’s Secondary School’s ManUp group.
In the months before the CBC clip, these guys had invited MANifest Change to discuss healthy and unhealthy forms of masculinity, the impacts of GBV on women, girls and LGBTQ2IS folks, and the role of active bystander skills in preventing GBV.
Facilitation Team: Phill Henry (OCTEVAW volunteer), Ally Crockford (Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre), Matt Schaaf (OCTEVAW staff)
Thousands of people have taken part in MANifest Change workshops, including sports teams, youth groups, fraternities, college and university classes, and high school classes. The workshops are offered to all-male or mixed gender groups. The ideal group size is 12 to 30 participants.
The content is appropriate for participants aged 15 to 30 and is adapted to the particular needs of your group. We also offer training suitable for the workplace.
Tout dépendant de la disponibilité de nos animateurs bénévoles (parrains masculins), il est possible que nous puissions offrir l’atelier Je peux MANifester le changement en français. Veuillez communiquer avec nous directement à l’adresse men@octevaw-cocvff.ca pour nous indiquer les dates où vous aimeriez organiser l’atelier.
Whenever possible, we deliver the full workshop series. The learning required to explore men’s role in preventing GBV in an ethical and responsible manner goes beyond the scope of a single workshop. We do give single workshops or presentations where it is in the context of a longer program or academic course that addresses issues of gender, violence or community safety.
MANifest Change is based on the power of male role modeling. Male-identifying workshop facilitators are everyday men in the Ottawa community who are committed to ending GBV in their own workplaces, schools and families. We often work in mixed gender teams of 2-3 facilitators in order to include a range of perspectives and complement each others' strengths. Female-identifying facilitators bring professional expertise in the area of sexual harassment, sexual assault and partner abuse. Learn more about our facilitators.
OCTEVAW trains facilitators as educators and as such they are not able to offer counselling or one on one support to workshop participants. OCTEVAW staff are in contact with the facilitation team before and after the workshop, and may or may not be physically present at the workshop.
We offer a sliding scale for community organizations and schools, and can provide our services for an amount that suits your budget, including no cost at all. Get in touch with us to discuss your needs.
For both all-male and mixed gender groups, please set the expectation that the topic is "the role of men and boys in preventing gender-based violence". People of all genders have valuable ideas to contribute to this discussion. Everyone's point of view is welcome if it is expressed respectfully, and no one will be pressured to speak if they don't want to.
Workshops are based on large and small group discussion as well as activities that require participants to move around the room. Ideally, there should be space for the whole group of participants to sit in circle, though we can adapt to a typical classroom set up if necessary. It's best to avoid a room with non-movable furniture, e.g. lab or lecture theatre.
We ask that you provide:
- flip chart, markers and tape or access to a large whiteboard
- laptop with internet access, projector and speakers
- participants will need pencils/pens to fill out a brief evaluation
“MANifest Change empowers young men to make positive and prosocial decisions and become leaders in their community. This program taps into the minds of young men and really makes them think. It gives young men the tools needed to put an end to gender-based violence, one step at a time.”